Our story
Who we are.
Hamilton Cattle Company is a grass-fed, cow-calf to finish beef operation located in Florence and Chittenden, VT. We take pride in raising cattle that spend the majority of their lives on open pastureland grazing from late April to December, and consuming hay through the winter months. Cattle are fed and managed with close regard to their health, human health, and the environment. The farm raises Red Devon and Angus genetics to produce a product that is flavorful and nutritious. The business currently leases two main locations. Cattle are pastured on the hills of the Baird Farm in Chittenden during the summer time, and the majority of the hay land and pasture for the brood cow herd is located along the Otter Creek at the Millbrand Farm in Florence. The main cattle handling facilities are also at this location. Jamie Hamilton started the business in 2020 after returning home from traveling the country the previous fall.

Meet Jamie
Jamie fell in love with farming at a young age while visiting a crop farm in Cornwall, England each summer. After deciding that he wanted to attend veterinary school, his parents suggested that it may be a good idea to get some farm experience to determine if the large animal or small animal care route would be of more interest. At age 14, he began helping on his neighbor’s dairy farm in Chittenden, VT. Farming grew from a hobby into an integral part of life, taking the place of school sports in his final year of high school. Jamie purchased his first registered Jersey cattle shortly after graduation and sold pedigree Jersey replacement heifers for several years. His love for farming led to attending Vermont Technical College where he received an Associate’s degree in Dairy Management and a Bachelor’s degree in Diversified Agriculture.
Jamie began working for Mountain Meadows Farm, a large, organic beef farm located in Sudbury, VT his freshman year of college. It was here that he learned the management techniques and farming practices that he utilizes today. Working for the farm every summer while in college gave Jamie a passion for the beef industry, and his interests shifted in this direction.

After school, Jamie spent a year traveling around the country and a couple of months on a large cattle ranch in Big Timber, MT. Upon his return, the opportunity to farm full-time through a farm transition allowed for the establishment of Hamilton Cattle Company. The farm has grown and developed over the past 4 years to a herd of 260 Red Devon and Angus cows, and Jamie markets his beef all over New England.
In those brief moments when he is not farming, Jamie serves as Board President for his local fire department, enjoys traveling and seeing other farming operations, skiing, hunting, and spending time with family and friends.

Twin Forks Ranch in Big Timber, MT
Jamie with his pet Jersey cow, Patch